Optimize Your Site For Google's Core Web Vitals

Boost Site Performance With Cloudways Page Experience Checker

The Cloudways page experience checker is the perfect way for businesses to check all of the elements Google considers when deciding which of your pages should rank high in their search results. With the Google page experience update, the company doubled down on its commitment to a quality web browsing experience for all users. This can be seen as part of a broader initiative by Google to improve page speed and promote good UX design practices.

The reasoning for the page experience update can be summed up like this:

Visitors judge web pages in a holistic manner; not solely on the basis of their content, but also on the way they interact with it. 

This is undoubtedly one of our core beliefs as well. That said, many companies struggle to keep up with Google’s demands. In most cases, even assessing a website’s potential areas of improvement takes a lot of time and resources. Well, the Cloudways page experience checker can solve this problem! Let’s take a closer look at what Google’s new search signals are and how the Cloudways page experience checker can help put you on the road to meeting these new standards today!

What Are The Search Signals For Page Experience?

The 6 Cloudways-Page-Experience-Signals
Source: https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2020/11/timing-for-page-experience 

The six search signals tracked by the Cloudways page experience checker are:

  1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) – Focuses on loading performance. It measures how long it takes between when the page starts loading to when the biggest image/text block renders. 
  2. First Input Delay (FID) – It focuses on interactivity. It measures how long it takes from when a user first interacts with your site (by clicking a link, a button, etc.) to when the site is able to respond. 
  3. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) – Focuses on visual stability. Sometimes when you load a page and start reading, an ad or video will load later, popping in and shifting the whole page layout and making you lose your spot. This metric is designed to measure such disruption. 
  4. Mobile-Friendly – Whether or not a website is optimized for desktop and mobile device viewing. 
  5. HTTPS – Whether HTTPS encryption is present and the connection to the website secure. 
  6. No Intrusive Interstitials – These denote pop-ups or ads that take up half of the screen, disrupting the viewing experience and annoying users. 

The first three of these are called Core Web Vitals. As the name implies, they are the crucial factors in determining a page’s user experience. Many companies use them to generate a performance report for specific web pages. Below you can see the acceptable ranges for each figure. If you want a quick and efficient way to improve these numbers, check out our recent write-up on Cloudflare Zaraz. 

You may have heard that Safe Browsing is also being used as a signal. That means that if Google displays warnings regarding the safety of a website, it will hurt its search ranking. Google has clarified that Safe Browsing is not a piece of the equation. This was done so as not to penalize pages that get hijacked by malicious third parties. Since this is mostly beyond a person’s control, their search ranking will not take a hit. 

Introducing The Cloudways Page Experience Checker 

Taking the search signals for page experience and checking them one by one is doable yet time-consuming. Ever since the update got announced, people have been searching for a Google page experience checker to spare them all the hassle. Cloudways has stepped up to the plate. 

The Cloudways page experience checker is a free tool that couldn’t be easier to use. You simply input your website’s URL, wait a few minutes and you will be given an in-depth report based on the Core Web Vitals and all the other signals for page experience. The Cloudways page experience checker then provides an in-depth report and gives specific suggestions as to what could be improved. 

Get Actionable Insights 

These actionable insights are a roadmap towards the betterment and optimization of your website. 

Here are some of our favorite tips provided by the Cloudways Page Experience Checker:

  • Hosting – Upgrading to cloud hosting can help your website achieve a new level of speed. In most cases, this can be the deciding factor. No matter how much you optimize a page’s speed yourself, if your hosting is inefficient, it will definitely hold you back. Cloudways can definitely help with that, since their primary offering is Cloud hosting. We have used them for many of our clients and we have always been impressed with the results. 
  • Preload Largest Contentful Paint Image – Improve LCP loading time by preloading your hero (main) image. 
  • Use Properly-Sized Images – Cumulative Layout Shift can sometimes balloon out of control due to images not having properly assigned sizes. 
  • Minify CSS&JavaScript – Minifying CSS and JavaScript files can significantly reduce network payload sizes, thus decreasing script parse time. 

Final Words On Cloudways Page Experience Checker

Google has a monopoly on search queries. When presented with the question of whether or not they should align their pages with Google’s demands, most businesses don’t even have a choice. The requirements for ranking on search pages can change next month. That’s why businesses pour time and resources into assessing their website’s performance. 

Put simply, the Cloudways page experience checker can be a lifesaver for many. Yes, it was created in anticipation of a specific update, but a tool that evaluates your website against Google’s search criteria is welcome any day of the week! If you would like us to use our extensive knowledge and experience in marketing and web development in ways that are more specific to your business needs and requirements, don’t hesitate to contact us right here

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Camilla | Marketing Specialist

Camilla works hard to ensure that the Marketing strategies and executions are on point and data-driven, not only for our clients but internally at Profitable Media as well. She’s been coming up with innovative ways to reach and engage audiences for over 8 years.

Picture of Camilla B. <br><span>Digital Marketing Specialist </span>

Camilla B.
Digital Marketing Specialist

Camilla works hard to ensure that the Marketing strategies and executions are on point and data-driven, not only for our clients but internally at Profitable Media as well. She’s been coming up with innovative ways to reach and engage audiences for over 8 years.

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Vlad P. Marketing Specialist at Profitable Media, LLC

Vlad Popirda


If you’ve been swayed, convinced, or otherwise persuaded by the writing on our page or in some of our emails, chances are Vlad was the man behind it.

Be it Social Media Management, Marketing Strategy, PPC Ads, or Copywriting, you can rely on him to get the job done.

With a Bachelor’s in Marketing and a Master’s in Advertising, his life’s work is to leave this world better than he found it, and he aims to achieve that by putting his talents in the service of the right people and helping businesses make a difference in the world.

Outside of working hours, you may find him singing Britney Spears songs at karaoke nights, or exercising his creativity in varied ways, such as playing chess, designing board games, playing guitar, or playing Dungeons & Dragons with his mates.

Alisa Villanueva Account Manager at Profitable Media, LLC

Alisa Villanueva


Alisa is the glue that brings all the parts of our operation together. The one always keeping an eye on the bigger picture. The person that makes sure that it all works smoothly and on schedule, giving everything an artistic spin and flourish with her keen eye for design.

With her background in sales, customer service and art, it’s no wonder her strength is in communicating with people, be they our customers or us, her team.

While juggling her different tasks (Project Management, Web Design, Quality Control, Customer Service), one thing never changes: she will use her artistic sense to make a project unique and she will hear out the person she is working with, understanding their needs and wishes while integrating and tying them all together to create an outstanding final product.

When she’s not tuned in to her work, you’ll find Alisa taking ordinary things and making them beautiful. In her artistic endeavors she explores many different mediums of expression, like painting, ceramics, dance, and cooking. Among these, her dancing stands out, as she is part of a salsa dance performance team, doing gigs both locally and nationally.

Her dream is to travel and explore different cultures, which she is always doing from home by cooking and trying out various cuisines from around the world.
Short Excerpt:
Alisa is the one that makes things work smoothly and on schedule, giving everything she does an artistic spin and flourish with her keen eye for design.

With her background in sales, customer service and art, it’s no wonder her strength is in communicating with people, be they our customers or us, her team.

Zach Warshawsky Chief Operations Officer at Profitable Media, LLC

Zach Warshawsky


Zach manages the operational side of our business and coordinates all the work done by our team. He designs technical architecture and always keeps an eye towards the future, making sure his solutions are scalable. He applies his skills in all sorts of fields, such as Project and Team Management, Sales Funnels, Web Technology, Split Testing, Automation and CRM.

If there’s one trait he shares with Henry, it’s passionate problem-solving. Although he has been working for over 25 years in Sales, Marketing, Management, Team Building and Customer Service, perhaps his relevant business credentials start even earlier. At 15, he started a business selling and installing car stereo systems before he even had a driver’s license. Armed with a reseller’s permit and a passion for business, he started down the path of entrepreneurship and hasn’t looked back since.

With four amazing children and a wonderful wife in his life, his goal is set: provide the best possible life for them that he can. To that end, he works hard on helping clients scale their businesses through the use of cutting edge digital marketing tools.

His weapon of choice on this quest is not a coincidence, for his knowledge of technology is certainly top-notch. This can sometimes be a blessing and a curse however, when the Apple Genius Bar can’t solve a friend’s problem, it’s Zach’s phone that gets lit up.

To unwind, he spends time with his children, goes on weekly dates with his wife and is passionate about crafting culinary art… he unwinds and loves creating amazing home-cooked meals for his friends and family!

Henry Hamamjy Chief Executive Officer at Profitable Media, LLC

Henry Hamamjy


One of the two men that started it all, Henry has a knack for judging character and managing the internal structure of our team. The go-to guy for when business owners hit a roadblock, he is well known for offering unique, scalable solutions to any issue that presents itself. 

With a background in Sales, Marketing, Management, People Development and Leadership, he puts it all to good use in the service of his clients and fellow team members, helping them better themselves. 

He’s a born problem-solver, breaking any seemingly impossible task into achievable actionable items.  He has successfully helped dozens of businesses expand to the 7-8 figure level, by designing and implementing extensible, supportive and responsive infrastructure that his clients could then leverage to their fullest advantage. 

At work, he loves helping our customers make their dreams a reality, taking businesses to the next step of success, guiding them all the while. Outside of work, he enjoys a good meal with friends and a nice Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon. He also likes travelling with his family and exploring different cultures and finding out more about our world. Having dreamt of becoming a soccer player when he grew up, he has since traded that sport for another, namely golf, which he partakes in whenever he gets the chance.

Little known fact, he won the Atomic Spicy Food Competition when most of the people quit after just a couple of bites. Scientists have yet to come up with an explanation.