Google Topics API

Google Topics API Leaves Cookies In the Dust

Until now, the Internet has been ruled by the following law: “If a service is free, that means YOU are the product.”

However, these days, a balance between users and businesses is close to being achieved. Google Topics API is the company’s way of positioning itself at the center of this new landscape. Not everyone was aware that an exchange was being made between free services and information used in advertising. When the Facebook scandal was publicized a few years back, the general audience understandably  demanded change. 

In order to not completely destabilize the current advertising ecosystem, Google Topics will be rolled out as a replacement for tracking cookies. Let’s take a look together at how Google Topics API came to be and why it’s worth taking into consideration as we move forward in these tumultuous times. 

The Need For Google Topics API – A Cookieless Future

The crumb trail of third-party cookies that would show what websites you visited is going away. That information is now being transformed into new solutions, including Google Topics API.  Google has committed itself to phase out third-party cookies in Chrome by late 2023. Since it holds the biggest share of the browser market, this move is touted as “the death of third-party cookies. 

Marketers and advertisers everywhere are scrambling to mitigate the impact of this change. One of the most popular options is harnessing first-party data, as opposed to third-party. This means collecting information only from pages on your own domain. Many employ the use of a well-crafted lead magnet to entice visitors to exchange data in the form of survey answers or contact information such as email addresses. 

Any first-party data strategy should be conducted with transparency as its main pillar. Ask for user consent before gathering their data and make it abundantly clear exactly how said data will be used. 

Google Privacy Sandbox Explained

Google's new Privacy Sandbox

The demand for stricter and more transparent rules regarding data collection is stronger than ever. This also runs the risk of destabilizing a whole industry by removing a major revenue stream. 

Since it has a big stake in the online advertising market, Google has launched the Privacy Sandbox Initiative. It is aimed at developing technologies that can replace tracking cookies. Out of those, the frontrunner used to be the Google FLoC API. 

We have talked about it before. FLoC stands for Federated Learning of Cohorts. It organizes users into groups (cohorts) of at least 1000 individuals, based on similarities in browsing activity. Through several rounds of testing and feedback, several flaws in the system became clear. We will discuss the most relevant ones below. In light of these flaws, the FLoC project was scrapped and transformed into what is now known as Google Topics API. 

How Google Topics API Works In Practice

With this new system, your browser determines a few topics, like “Sports”’ or “Travel”. These represent your top interests for that week, taking your browsing history into account. If you recently visited some websites for movie news & reviews, Google Topics API might add “Movies” as one of your interests. Topics are kept for only three weeks before being deleted. The selection process is done purely on your device, without the involvement of any external servers, including Google’s.  Upon visiting a participating site, Topics chooses only three topics, one from each of the past three weeks, to send to that site and its advertisers. 

This seems to take a page out of the magazine world’s playbook. For many years before the Internet, if you wanted to advertise a product/service, you would take out ads in magazines whose subject matter was associated with your field. Through this contextual advertising, you increased the chance of a reader being exposed to your messaging to respond positively to it.  Topics wants to have a user-friendly interface, so it will put options in Chrome to view your topics, remove those you don’t approve of, or opt-out of the system altogether. Topics will be curated to exclude certain categories deemed sensitive and unnecessary, such as gender or race. 

Google Topics API aims to keep things professional between advertisers and users. Its message to websites and advertisers seems to be: “Here is the information you require to keep doing your job effectively. There is no need for you to know anything else about users. If you want to have access to further data, you will have to ask them yourselves.”

How Google Topics API Evolved From FLoC 

Topics has taken a few lessons from FLoC. 

At this moment we have 350 interest tags available to the Topics API. Compare this with the 30,000-plus user classification chart that FLoC used. People were concerned that the granularity of FLoC made it possible to reveal user information by reverse-engineering data. Even though the 350 tags are only a starting point, they appear to be designed with an eye on individuals with malicious intent trying to dig up information from them. They are too vague to be of any use and the fact that certain sites will receive different topics makes fingerprinting much more difficult.

Statistical correlations between a user’s topics can lead to information regarding sensitive categories, but this is still a huge improvement over the amount of information available through cookies.

Final Words on Google Topics API 

Google has applied its principle of transparency in advertising to its development process. You can find the technical details of the Topics project on Github if you wish to get into the nitty-gritty of it all. 

If you want to get some help in making sense of all this technical jargon, we would be more than happy to give you a hand! 

Simply contact us here and we will schedule a call right away to discuss all the ways in which we can use Google Topics API to get your business through this advertising shift and even help you scale! 

We look forward to hearing from you and learning about your business! 

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Camilla | Marketing Specialist

Camilla works hard to ensure that the Marketing strategies and executions are on point and data-driven, not only for our clients but internally at Profitable Media as well. She’s been coming up with innovative ways to reach and engage audiences for over 8 years.

Picture of Camilla B. <br><span>Digital Marketing Specialist </span>

Camilla B.
Digital Marketing Specialist

Camilla works hard to ensure that the Marketing strategies and executions are on point and data-driven, not only for our clients but internally at Profitable Media as well. She’s been coming up with innovative ways to reach and engage audiences for over 8 years.

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Vlad P. Marketing Specialist at Profitable Media, LLC

Vlad Popirda


If you’ve been swayed, convinced, or otherwise persuaded by the writing on our page or in some of our emails, chances are Vlad was the man behind it.

Be it Social Media Management, Marketing Strategy, PPC Ads, or Copywriting, you can rely on him to get the job done.

With a Bachelor’s in Marketing and a Master’s in Advertising, his life’s work is to leave this world better than he found it, and he aims to achieve that by putting his talents in the service of the right people and helping businesses make a difference in the world.

Outside of working hours, you may find him singing Britney Spears songs at karaoke nights, or exercising his creativity in varied ways, such as playing chess, designing board games, playing guitar, or playing Dungeons & Dragons with his mates.

Alisa Villanueva Account Manager at Profitable Media, LLC

Alisa Villanueva


Alisa is the glue that brings all the parts of our operation together. The one always keeping an eye on the bigger picture. The person that makes sure that it all works smoothly and on schedule, giving everything an artistic spin and flourish with her keen eye for design.

With her background in sales, customer service and art, it’s no wonder her strength is in communicating with people, be they our customers or us, her team.

While juggling her different tasks (Project Management, Web Design, Quality Control, Customer Service), one thing never changes: she will use her artistic sense to make a project unique and she will hear out the person she is working with, understanding their needs and wishes while integrating and tying them all together to create an outstanding final product.

When she’s not tuned in to her work, you’ll find Alisa taking ordinary things and making them beautiful. In her artistic endeavors she explores many different mediums of expression, like painting, ceramics, dance, and cooking. Among these, her dancing stands out, as she is part of a salsa dance performance team, doing gigs both locally and nationally.

Her dream is to travel and explore different cultures, which she is always doing from home by cooking and trying out various cuisines from around the world.
Short Excerpt:
Alisa is the one that makes things work smoothly and on schedule, giving everything she does an artistic spin and flourish with her keen eye for design.

With her background in sales, customer service and art, it’s no wonder her strength is in communicating with people, be they our customers or us, her team.

Zach Warshawsky Chief Operations Officer at Profitable Media, LLC

Zach Warshawsky


Zach manages the operational side of our business and coordinates all the work done by our team. He designs technical architecture and always keeps an eye towards the future, making sure his solutions are scalable. He applies his skills in all sorts of fields, such as Project and Team Management, Sales Funnels, Web Technology, Split Testing, Automation and CRM.

If there’s one trait he shares with Henry, it’s passionate problem-solving. Although he has been working for over 25 years in Sales, Marketing, Management, Team Building and Customer Service, perhaps his relevant business credentials start even earlier. At 15, he started a business selling and installing car stereo systems before he even had a driver’s license. Armed with a reseller’s permit and a passion for business, he started down the path of entrepreneurship and hasn’t looked back since.

With four amazing children and a wonderful wife in his life, his goal is set: provide the best possible life for them that he can. To that end, he works hard on helping clients scale their businesses through the use of cutting edge digital marketing tools.

His weapon of choice on this quest is not a coincidence, for his knowledge of technology is certainly top-notch. This can sometimes be a blessing and a curse however, when the Apple Genius Bar can’t solve a friend’s problem, it’s Zach’s phone that gets lit up.

To unwind, he spends time with his children, goes on weekly dates with his wife and is passionate about crafting culinary art… he unwinds and loves creating amazing home-cooked meals for his friends and family!

Henry Hamamjy Chief Executive Officer at Profitable Media, LLC

Henry Hamamjy


One of the two men that started it all, Henry has a knack for judging character and managing the internal structure of our team. The go-to guy for when business owners hit a roadblock, he is well known for offering unique, scalable solutions to any issue that presents itself. 

With a background in Sales, Marketing, Management, People Development and Leadership, he puts it all to good use in the service of his clients and fellow team members, helping them better themselves. 

He’s a born problem-solver, breaking any seemingly impossible task into achievable actionable items.  He has successfully helped dozens of businesses expand to the 7-8 figure level, by designing and implementing extensible, supportive and responsive infrastructure that his clients could then leverage to their fullest advantage. 

At work, he loves helping our customers make their dreams a reality, taking businesses to the next step of success, guiding them all the while. Outside of work, he enjoys a good meal with friends and a nice Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon. He also likes travelling with his family and exploring different cultures and finding out more about our world. Having dreamt of becoming a soccer player when he grew up, he has since traded that sport for another, namely golf, which he partakes in whenever he gets the chance.

Little known fact, he won the Atomic Spicy Food Competition when most of the people quit after just a couple of bites. Scientists have yet to come up with an explanation.