Write Better content With Marketmuse

How To Use MarketMuse To Post Better Content

Research & optimization for content production is difficult, especially when you’re trying to meet the ever-shifting demands and interests of a particular market (or several markets, depending on your business model). That is why you should get help from a powerful AI-driven platform and learn how to use MarketMuse. 

The importance of content in marketing cannot be overstated. According to HubSpot, 47% of buyers view three to five pieces of content before engaging with a sales rep. 

Familiarization with your brand and your status as an authority in the field plays a huge role in a consumer’s decision to purchase.

Looking again at the same study, 82% of marketers report actively using content marketing in 2021. 

That is one crowded market if we’ve ever seen one, meaning it’s going to take some effort to stand out from the rest. 

If you’ve written content online for any length of time, then you know the importance of optimizing that content to be easily identifiable by Google’s search engine algorithm. 

Think of the Internet as a giant warehouse. If your box of content isn’t properly labeled, the workers won’t know what audience to show it to, so it becomes lost in the shuffle, forgotten and left behind.

MarketMuse is an AI-powered platform that aims to stop exactly that from happening to your content. 

Not only can you truly differentiate your content from your competitor’s, but you’ll also wind up with a much more streamlined and quicker process while you’re at it. 

MarketMuse already has an extensive library of tutorials and explanations regarding their website and the methods they employ, but today we wanted to give you an overview – a brief rundown of how to use MarketMuse and our favorite apps within it. 

Feel free to jump around if you only want to read about a specific functionality!

The First Step in Learning How to use MarketMuse is Understanding “Content Score”

This is a score given to pieces of content to measure their probability of getting a high SERP ranking. It uses a special algorithm that takes into account things like length, relevant topics used, and distribution of the topics, among other things. 

MarketMuse Content Score explanation

Moreover, all the various rankings in the apps below (topic distribution, content score, etc.) are color-coded for easy use. The order goes from highest to lowest like so:

Blue =>  Green => Yellow => Red 

With the basics out of the way, let’s jump straight into the apps we love!

How to Use MarketMuse Research

This is where the process of creating a piece of content from scratch usually starts. 

Forget about the days of getting surface-level information from a 3-hour topic research session that covers ~10 websites. As a brilliant example of the potential of marketing automation, the patented topic modeling AI goes through thousands of web pages, coming up with the most relevant related topics to give you a clear path to putting out expert-level content. 

MarketMuse Research Panel Breakdown

All you need to do is enter a topic you are interested in covering and a list (in order of relevance) of related topics will appear. 

Note: These are just topics, not keywords, so they should be treated as such. 

On the right side you will find several columns:

  1. Volume: The monthly searches for a topic, not the estimated traffic you might get from using it. 
  2. Trend: A mini graphic showing the evolution of the topic searches. 
  3. CPC: Cost per click that you might be expected to pay to show ads regarding this topic. 
  4. Variants: These work similarly to variant keywords and are obtained by adding words before or after the topic. If you click on the number shown, a list of available variants will appear with their specific suggested distribution. 
  5. Suggested distribution: The suggested number of times the topic should be mentioned, based on previously published expert articles. 

Compete With the Best of Them

This app will give you the lay of the land, showing you how others approached a subject and how you can make your take on it stand out by exploiting their gaps. 

MarketMuse competition heat map analysis

Enter a topic and you will be given the above panel, with the 20 top-ranking pages, their content scores, and a heat map below it all. 

This heat map tracks the distribution of related topics, allowing you to identify gaps and adjust your content accordingly. 

For example, if we look at the bottom two rows in the image above, we can see that almost nobody is talking about content planning or google analytics, giving us a chance to make our content stand out by covering these adjacent topics in our content. 

You can also compare your own article head-to-head with a specific competitor by entering your URL instead of a topic and clicking on the competitor’s number. 

Optimize & Fine-Tune Your Content

Here you can get real-time updates on your topic distribution and content score improvements or, if you’re analyzing an existing piece of content, just paste the URL and the site will import it into the text editor automatically. 

How to use MarketMuse-Optimize

Up top, you get the current, average, and target numbers for the Content Score and word count. 

On the right, you have the current and suggested distributions for related topics in order of relevance. 

Answer Your Audience’s Questions

A majority of people turn to search engines when they have a question, so writing in such a way as to anticipate and answer these queries would be highly beneficial.

This increases the possibility of ranking on a SERP by making your content eligible for inclusion in the “People also asked” section.

How To Use MarketMuse Questions Panel

Simply input a topic and you will be presented with a list of related questions that can be answered to provide more value to readers, thus increasing your Content Score. 

If you want to analyze a particular question in more detail in another MarketMuse application, simply click on the “Run in” button on the right and select your preferred app. 

How to Use MarketMuse Connect

Linking schemes are an important factor in Google’s algorithm and this is where you can get top-notch recommendations on what external and internal links you should include, as well as anchor text for them. 

Just enter your article’s URL and you will be shown a list of internal and external links sorted by anchor text, as well as links from competitors. 

Marketmuse Connect Panel

Final Words

One other popular function which we haven’t used a lot is the MarketMuse Content Brief. This acts as a blueprint for writers to make sure that their content reaches the expert tier. 

It provides a target Content Score and word count, as well as miniaturized panels of all the apps mentioned in this blog post. 

We all know the power of great content to attract potential customers to your website. This platform has many fantastic uses and we hope to have convinced you on why you should learn how to use MarketMuse

If you’re not using MarketMuse yet, click here to get started! 

We pride ourselves on our deep knowledge library when it comes to marketing technology, which is why we feel confident in sharing our insights regarding the tools we use.

If you wish, you can contact us right here and we will schedule a call to talk about how we can help you improve your company by leveraging technology to your advantage. 

We will gladly discuss how to best create a rock-solid roadmap to achieving your vision and scaling your business, so we’ll talk to you soon! 

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Camilla | Marketing Specialist

Camilla works hard to ensure that the Marketing strategies and executions are on point and data-driven, not only for our clients but internally at Profitable Media as well. She’s been coming up with innovative ways to reach and engage audiences for over 8 years.

Picture of Camilla B. <br><span>Digital Marketing Specialist </span>

Camilla B.
Digital Marketing Specialist

Camilla works hard to ensure that the Marketing strategies and executions are on point and data-driven, not only for our clients but internally at Profitable Media as well. She’s been coming up with innovative ways to reach and engage audiences for over 8 years.

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Vlad P. Marketing Specialist at Profitable Media, LLC

Vlad Popirda


If you’ve been swayed, convinced, or otherwise persuaded by the writing on our page or in some of our emails, chances are Vlad was the man behind it.

Be it Social Media Management, Marketing Strategy, PPC Ads, or Copywriting, you can rely on him to get the job done.

With a Bachelor’s in Marketing and a Master’s in Advertising, his life’s work is to leave this world better than he found it, and he aims to achieve that by putting his talents in the service of the right people and helping businesses make a difference in the world.

Outside of working hours, you may find him singing Britney Spears songs at karaoke nights, or exercising his creativity in varied ways, such as playing chess, designing board games, playing guitar, or playing Dungeons & Dragons with his mates.

Alisa Villanueva Account Manager at Profitable Media, LLC

Alisa Villanueva


Alisa is the glue that brings all the parts of our operation together. The one always keeping an eye on the bigger picture. The person that makes sure that it all works smoothly and on schedule, giving everything an artistic spin and flourish with her keen eye for design.

With her background in sales, customer service and art, it’s no wonder her strength is in communicating with people, be they our customers or us, her team.

While juggling her different tasks (Project Management, Web Design, Quality Control, Customer Service), one thing never changes: she will use her artistic sense to make a project unique and she will hear out the person she is working with, understanding their needs and wishes while integrating and tying them all together to create an outstanding final product.

When she’s not tuned in to her work, you’ll find Alisa taking ordinary things and making them beautiful. In her artistic endeavors she explores many different mediums of expression, like painting, ceramics, dance, and cooking. Among these, her dancing stands out, as she is part of a salsa dance performance team, doing gigs both locally and nationally.

Her dream is to travel and explore different cultures, which she is always doing from home by cooking and trying out various cuisines from around the world.
Short Excerpt:
Alisa is the one that makes things work smoothly and on schedule, giving everything she does an artistic spin and flourish with her keen eye for design.

With her background in sales, customer service and art, it’s no wonder her strength is in communicating with people, be they our customers or us, her team.

Zach Warshawsky Chief Operations Officer at Profitable Media, LLC

Zach Warshawsky


Zach manages the operational side of our business and coordinates all the work done by our team. He designs technical architecture and always keeps an eye towards the future, making sure his solutions are scalable. He applies his skills in all sorts of fields, such as Project and Team Management, Sales Funnels, Web Technology, Split Testing, Automation and CRM.

If there’s one trait he shares with Henry, it’s passionate problem-solving. Although he has been working for over 25 years in Sales, Marketing, Management, Team Building and Customer Service, perhaps his relevant business credentials start even earlier. At 15, he started a business selling and installing car stereo systems before he even had a driver’s license. Armed with a reseller’s permit and a passion for business, he started down the path of entrepreneurship and hasn’t looked back since.

With four amazing children and a wonderful wife in his life, his goal is set: provide the best possible life for them that he can. To that end, he works hard on helping clients scale their businesses through the use of cutting edge digital marketing tools.

His weapon of choice on this quest is not a coincidence, for his knowledge of technology is certainly top-notch. This can sometimes be a blessing and a curse however, when the Apple Genius Bar can’t solve a friend’s problem, it’s Zach’s phone that gets lit up.

To unwind, he spends time with his children, goes on weekly dates with his wife and is passionate about crafting culinary art… he unwinds and loves creating amazing home-cooked meals for his friends and family!

Henry Hamamjy Chief Executive Officer at Profitable Media, LLC

Henry Hamamjy


One of the two men that started it all, Henry has a knack for judging character and managing the internal structure of our team. The go-to guy for when business owners hit a roadblock, he is well known for offering unique, scalable solutions to any issue that presents itself. 

With a background in Sales, Marketing, Management, People Development and Leadership, he puts it all to good use in the service of his clients and fellow team members, helping them better themselves. 

He’s a born problem-solver, breaking any seemingly impossible task into achievable actionable items.  He has successfully helped dozens of businesses expand to the 7-8 figure level, by designing and implementing extensible, supportive and responsive infrastructure that his clients could then leverage to their fullest advantage. 

At work, he loves helping our customers make their dreams a reality, taking businesses to the next step of success, guiding them all the while. Outside of work, he enjoys a good meal with friends and a nice Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon. He also likes travelling with his family and exploring different cultures and finding out more about our world. Having dreamt of becoming a soccer player when he grew up, he has since traded that sport for another, namely golf, which he partakes in whenever he gets the chance.

Little known fact, he won the Atomic Spicy Food Competition when most of the people quit after just a couple of bites. Scientists have yet to come up with an explanation.